In the beauty world,split hair or split ends is officially known as trichoptilosis. There are several reasons why split ends occur.


Some causes include:

  • Excessive use of hot styling tools (irons, hot curlers, blow dryers,hot combs)
  • Overuse of chemical treatments (relaxers, perms, hair color)
  • Use of inferior styling tools that rip or snag hair (cheap synthetic brushes or combs, brush rollers, etc)
  • Environmental damage from heat, cold, wind and other climate issues.
  • Lack of routine maintenance such as regular trimming
  • Improper detangling techniques
  • Overwashing
  • Use of inferior hair care products
  • Excessive use of styling products such as gels, waxes and sprays
  • Trimming with inferior scissors


There are other causes for split ends beside some of the main ones mentioned above.Other causes could be excessive tangling, improper application or removal of hair extensions, headgear that snaps or rips delicate strands or even scratchy bedclothes, fingers or hands.

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    Questions & Answers

    I should look at my mother's family to see if I am going to loose my hair - the gene comes from the maternal side.

    Hereditary hair loss can be passed on by either parent, although the strongest influence is on the maternal side. The gene or genes responsible for this have not yet been identified and the pattern of inheritance is complex. If hair loss in the family, it is likely that you too will be affected. However there are other reasons for hair loss apart from heredity.

    Losing an average of 40-100 hairs a day is normal - they just grow back again,

    It is true for people who don’t have male pattern baldness, and there hairs that fall out will soon be replaced by new once. If you are suffering from hereditary hair loss, those hair often came from follicles that are shrinking and the new hairs emerging from these follicles will be thinner. Eventually the follicles shut down and no longer produce hair at all.

    I can increase number of follicles on my scalp by using drugs.

    Yes surely!! we can with the help of new advanced Root Grow Therapy. We can increase destiny volume and number of hair follicles

    Blow-drying can cause hair loss.

    No, but it can dry, burn and damage hairs that may then fall out. If you are suffering from hereditary hair loss, the new hairs that grow are often thinner and less visible than the ones they are replacing.

    Bald men are more virile.

    There is little evidence of excess levels of testosterone or related hormones in bald man. The belief that baldness makes you more virile than a man with full head of hair is, unfortunately, without scientific foundation.

    You wash your hair too often, you will go bald.

    Frequent shampooing has no effect, positive or negative, on hereditary hair loss. But it is important to take good care of the hair you have.

    If I take special dietary supplements I can prevent hair loss.

    In most cases, hair loss is due to genes and the way that your hair follicles respond to male hormones. Severe malnutrition can bring on hair loss but this in unrelated to hereditary hair loss. However a poor diet can bring on predetermined hereditary hair loss earlier that expected.

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